• Mon - Sat : 10 am to 4 pm

स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्यरक्षणं

To prolong life and promote perfect health (add years to life and life to years )

I m Dr.Hardik Patel. I m doing Ayurved Practice since 2009 in Himatnagar.
Ayurved Consulting with Nadi-Parixa & all Panchkarma Treatments are available.
Ayurveda, regarded as a Holistic manual of Life & Age, describes a lifestyle that’s in harmony with nature. The Ayurvedic description of health is :
(समदोष: समधातु समाग्निश्चा मलक्रियः) | (प्रसन्नात्मेंद्रियामन: स्वस्थ इत्याभिधियते)

Ayurvedic approach to Life-style:
Health is greatly influenced by Life-Style (Swastha-vritta). According to Ayurveda, Life-style (the rules and guidelines) is divided into three parts:

(Diet and regimen for the daytime)
Vyayama or exercise is an important part of dincharya. Physical exercise can be yoga, a walk, tai chi, swim or whatever that provides exercise to your muscles. Not strenuous though, simple exercises would make a huge difference in one person – the exercises would provide one with the much needed energy and activeness for the day.

(Diet and regimen for the night)
In Ayurveda, the night time is divided into 16 periods, starting from the sunset (of the previous day) to the sunrise of the following day. Ayurveda Rishis suggest that the ideal time to wake up is during the 14th period, which is about two hours prior to sunrise, around 4.00 am to 5.00 am. This is primarily due to the fact the sattva in the air is at its maximum during the time. In fact, it is the most fresh and pure time of the entire day and the time when Prana-vayu is flowing (air carrying the purest form of oxygen).

(Seasonal Diet and regimen) and Sandhikal (diet instructions for the joint period of two seasons)
Follow seasonal recommendations to balance the vata, kapha and pitta doshas. Each of these mind-body types is more active during particular seasons

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Panchakarma: Detoxify the body according to Ayurveda.

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Panchkarma & Pulse Diagnosis

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Panchakarma ("Pancha" means five and "karma" means treatment) is done to detoxify the body according to Ayurveda. The five procedures are claimed to eliminate the vitiated Doshas from the body. They are Vamana (Emesis), Virechana (Purgation), Niroohavasti (Decoction enema), Nasya (Instillation of medicine through nostrils), and Anuvasanavasti (Oil enema). Nirooha, Anuvasana and Uttaravasthi form the basic types of Vasti. Read more

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Ayurvedic pulse measurement is done by placing index, middle and ring finger on the wrist. The index finger is placed below the wrist bone on the thumb side of the hand (radial styloid). This finger represents the Vata dosha. The middle finger and ring finger are placed next to the index finger and represents consequently the Pitta and Kapha doshas of the patient. Read more

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